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Eco-Bricks Challenge

We are extremely excited to announce that the children of Colehill First School will be involved in a new project to design and build our own Buddy Bench in the school playground. 

The bench will be made out of Eco Bricks and will be designed with the purpose of raising our awareness of the disposal of Single Use Plastics (plastics that can’t yet be recycled), at the same time as doing something practical and useful with all our plastic to benefit the children.  All children will be working closely with the School Council who will be involved in the collection of plastic and overall design of our structure, along with a few of the parents in Foxes class.   We hope to build our bench in the summer term and get the children involved in the fun part of actually building the bench too!  
What the School will be doing: 
Bins will be set up in all classrooms and offices, and the children and staff will be encouraged to collect together any clean plastic they come across in the school instead of putting it in the normal bin.  This will then be used to create some of the Eco Bricks.