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Iron Age Experience Day

Key Stage Two children from Colehill First School ditched 21st century life for an Iron Age Experience Day on 8th May 2017. They were challenged to leave their school uniform behind and come to school dressed as a typical Iron Age dweller.

From making their own weapons to braving our chilly weather in Iron Age-style dress, the children really embraced the spirit of the day. During the day the children learned more about the Iron Age tribes that lived in the British Isles prior to, and at the time of, the Roman invasion in 43AD. In hands-on history sessions the children also found out more about the typical day of an Ancient Briton, including what food they ate and the clothes they wore. They were also given an insight into the artwork of our forebears and replicated this by making their own shields and spears. The day culminated in warrior training activities using sword skills, spear skills and even javelin throwing!

Click here to go to our Gallery page for more photos of the day.