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The most recent news stories from Colehill First School!

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  • 09/09/22

    Respect for The Queen

    As a mark of respect following the very sad news of the death of Her Majesty the Queen, we have made some changes to the usual communication systems and procedures that are in place. Our school website and social media accounts have been updated to reflect these changes. Please note that we will onl...
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  • 28/02/20

    Colehill and Hayeswood School Councillors Meet Together!

    Friday 28th February saw the first joint meeting of Colehill and Hayeswood School councillors.
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  • 29/01/20

    Colehill First School Welcomes Langside School Visitors

    On Wednesday 29 January, three pupils and four staff from Langside School joined Colehill First School for a shared music assembly, a playtime and a communication session with year 3 and 4 pupils.
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  • 24/01/20

    Collection in Support of Wimborne Food Bank

    Pupils at Colehill First School came to school today in non-uniform clothes in exchange for a donation to Wimborne Food Bank.
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  • 12/12/19

    International Christmas at Colehill!

    Pupils at Colehill First School celebrated Christmas by sharing what they learned about how this festival is celebrated all around the world.
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  • 23/10/19

    Versatile Vocabulary!

    Pupils used their imagination to come to school dressed as a word on Versatile Vocabulary Day - 23 October.
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  • 11/10/19

    Harvest for Macmillan

    The school raised a significant sum of money for Macmillan Cancer Support as part of our Harvest Festival celebrations on 11th October.
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  • 23/05/19

    Song Share With Hayeswood First School

    On the 23rd May KS2 students from Hayeswood and Colehill joined together to perform some of the songs they have been learning this year. Songs shared included 'All You Need is Love', 'I Am The Earth' and 'A Million Dreams'.   
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  • 20/05/19

    Iron Age Action at Colehill First School

    Year 3 and 4 pupils from Colehill First School learned about the Iron Age through a day's workshop focusing on different aspects of Iron Age life and culture.
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  • 02/05/19

    Colehill is Tag Rugby-Tastic!

    Year 4 pupils from Colehill First School participated in the Tag Rugby Festival with schools from across the Wimborne area on Thursday 2nd May.
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  • 08/02/19

    Understanding World Faiths at Colehill First School

    Years 3 and 4 at Colehill First School learned all about the Jewish festival of Passover with Lynda Ford-Horne of Living Judaism.
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  • 01/02/19

    The Snow Must Go On At Colehill First School!

    Colehill First School pupils enjoyed taking their learning outdoors in snowy conditions on Friday 1st February.
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